Frequently Asked Questions

The short answer is that Ayurveda is for everyone. The system is uniquely designed to support any medical background, from individuals simply ready to take better care of themselves to those struggling with chronic illness (see the next question for more on this). The practice of working with Ayurveda asks participants to explore shifts in their lifestyle. Working on the root causes of an imbalance requires commitment and patience. Sarah works with clients at their pace, creating individual plans that are manageable and adaptable over time. 

1. What can Ayurveda help with?

Ayurveda can treat any imbalance since it is a holistic system that takes into account not only symptoms but root causes. The following are some of the conditions Sarah has been known to assist with:

Allergies, Anxiety, Autoimmune Disorders, Bloating, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Diabetes, Eating Disorders, Eczema, Fertility, Gout, Heart Disease, Highly Sensitive People, IBS, Immunity, Indigestion, Inflammation, Insomnia, Joint Pain, Menopause, Migraines, Multiple Sclerosis, PCOS, Postpartum, Sinus Infections, Smoking, Thyroid (Low), Trauma, Weight. 

Please reach out for a consultation if you want guidance on a pre-existing health condition or simply more information on how Ayurveda can improve your life.

2. Does Ayurveda work with emotions and trauma? 

Ayurvedic practices and treatments are amazing tools for releasing emotional stuckness and trauma from the body. In our sessions we may touch upon these topics as a way to understand habits and behavior, however, Ayurveda is not talk therapy. Depending on the client’s background and needs, we may recommend working with a therapist in parallel to receiving Ayurvedic treatment. 

3. What is the difference between Ayurveda and Nutritionist/Dietician? 

Ayurveda uses nutrition and holistic methods similar to Naturopathy and Western nutrition, however, it goes into more specific detail taking into account how food is prepared and consumed. In short, Ayurveda gives you the “how” in addition to the “what” when it comes to diet. Sometimes this is what makes all the difference. 

4. Is Ayurvedic massage similar to deep tissue massage?

Ayurvedic massage uses oil so some people confuse it with deep tissue or Swedish massage techniques. The Ayurvedic technique is quite different, however, and works on an energetic as well as physical level to simulate specific points and calm the nervous system. The treatment may feel soft but that doesn’t make its effects any less powerful. 

Please fill out the form below and I will respond shortly. – Sarah